LIFE COMP0LIVE project (2019-2022)


LIFE COMP0LIVE project (2019-2022) aims to develop a new generation of biocomposites based on olive pruning waste for industrial applications, by boosting the substitution of non-renewable resources through sustainable product design of wood-based fibers.
Overall objectives

1. Revalorisation of olive pruning waste collected into fiber for new biocomposites.
2. Reduction of fossil-based virgin plastic due to the amount of olive natural fiber incorporated to the matrix and the use of recycled PP.
3. CO2 emissions reduction.
4. Creation of 3 new businesses models related to the waste management within the new value chain of olive sector: fibers for automotive sector, outdoor furniture and home furniture.
5. Empower sensitivity and awareness of the primary sector by boosting an economically and eco-friendly managing of olive waste.

Quantified outputs

- Revaluation of the olive pruning (at least, 50%), with a lack of innovative applications. This fact confers a high added-value to this by-product.
- Creation of a green, eco-friendly and sustainable composite which contains up to 35% of olive fiber and based on either biopolymer PLA or recyclable PP.
- The diminution in the amount of fossil-based plastic interior automotive parts and furniture sectors: reduction of plastic consumption in automotive and furniture, at least 10-30%.
- Development of at least 8 different bio composites at lab scale, at least 4 of them will be specifically scaled up, following the requirements in each application sector (automotive and furnishings).
- Manufacturing of at least 3 real prototyping demonstrators and their industrial validation, 1 for automotive industry, 1 for home furniture and 2 for urban furniture.
- Performance of potential market products (green composites).